CAM: Phnom Penh Night Market

Preah Moha Ksatreiyani Kossamak Avenue 106, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Fri-Sun: 5.00pm - 11.00pm

Known as Phsar Reatrey among the locals, Phnom Penh Night Market is the only formal night market in the capital city of Cambodia. Size wise, it isn't very big, but you can find all sorts of things from apparels to toys, statues to spices and of course, food and drinks.

The very first thing that I caught my attention upon entering the night market was the simple stage illuminated in blue. I was told that the night market band would entertain visitors with their charming voices. 

Indeed, one of the singers had quite a melodious voice!
We had been cautioned against pickpockets by our tour guide. Still, I did take these few pictures as I wandered through the maze of stalls.

I once asked my mom when I was young, "Why Pooh doesn't wear shorts?" :P

Buddhism-related things~
I couldn't buy any of the food items offered, but there wasn't anything in particular that I'd really love to try anyway.

All sorts of skewered goods, but no bugs at sight...

Korean ice cream, anyone?

Before it was time for us to assemble back at the entrance of the night market, my colleague and I decided to buy packets of coffee, tea and spices. It was quite an entertaining sight of her bargaining with the help of a translation mobile application. Haha...

Can you spot the ugly Pikachus? xD

Pretty packaging!
I walked out of the night market with three plastic bags in hand, and that marked the end of another day in Phnom Penh (not counting the debrief with the students, of course).


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