TWN: Bell Tower @ Taroko National Park

Taroko National Park, Hualien, Taiwan

Said to be one of the less visited places at Taroko National Park, the bell tower is a great spot to marvel at the beauty of the gorge. Despite suffering from acrophobia, I braved myself to go all the way up. I simply like challenges as always.

From the entrance of Changuang Temple, one won't miss the sight of a wooden suspension bridge that leads to the trail to the tower.

Perhaps that's what deters many people from going to the tower

Warning: there should only be five people along the bridge at any point of time!

I'd almost reached the other side! :P

Palpitations subsided as soon as my feet touch a solid ground. Up next was a somewhat exhausting ascend to the bell tower, especially since we'd been trekking all day long.

We saw a lump of faeces along the way. Disgusting! =X

So precarious...

That's Changuang Temple in the distance.
Along the way, we happened to meet a hairy friend.

Going around in circles (or squares)~

At last, we reached the solitary tower. There wasn't anyone else there, save for a couple who came when we were about to leave.

That's the old bell, I guess?

I should've taken a video of me sounding the new bell.

What a vista~ <3
We then walked all the way back to the Eternal Spring Shrine bus stop to catch a bus back to the village. Anyway, can you spot Changchun Shrine and the bell tower in the picture below?

We went to Lan Lan Restaurant to have dinner, followed by 7-Eleven, before returning to Li-Wu Hotel to get a well-deserved rest.


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