GUY: Guyana Zoo

Vlissigen Road, Georgetown, Guyana
Daily: 9.30am - 5.30pm

It's no secret that I love animals. Whenever it's convenient, I enjoy going to a zoo. Guyana Zoo may be small and not so well-kept compared to many others around the world, but it's an interesting place to visit nonetheless. Having been in operation since 1952, It's located inside Guyana Botanical Gardens.

You won't need to dig deep into your pocket to enter the zoo. It costs GY$200 (~S$1.30) per adult and GY$100 (~S$0.65) per child below 12 years old.

Make a guess as to whether there are manatees in the zoo.

It was a quiet afternoon at the zoo, especially after it rained the whole morning.

Calgary Zoo in Canada has partnered with Guyana Zoo as one of its sister zoos. Perhaps the former is going to help with future developments of the latter too.

The poor lion had its tongue pierced by a metallic object.

The zoo has got quite a variety of colourful birds.

That green bird did reply me when I greeted it.

Why the long face? Hungry?

Harpy eagle is the species featured in the logo of the zoo.

In addition to a petting section, there's also a playground for children.

Go out and bask in the sun, dear donkey!

I'd love to relax with you and not think about anything.

Both my BFF and I agree that the most 'exciting' moment was to balance ourselves on a few planks to cross the ponding pathway.

Here are some other animals residing in the zoo.

Tayra is an omnivorous species from the weasel family that's native to the Americas.

Having a nice afternoon nap~

The aquarium appears to be abandoned.

That's a nice wall painting featuring the cats of Guyana.
Here are those who share over 90% of our DNA.

Don't you feel tired hanging around?

The last animal that we saw was a very active otter.

No manatees? Look forward to the next post!


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